163rd Annual Sports Week entered its 2nd phase as theme day celebrations began with high spirit. The Vice Chancellor of KEMU, Prof.Mahmood Ayyaz along with Prof. Abrar Ashraf Ali, Prof. Dr Asghar Naqi, Prof. Saqib Sohail, Prof.Dr Farhana and Dr. Shahzad Shams graced the events with their presence. Sports secretaries Muhammad Raif and Hamail Malik Gunjial accompanied by their cabinet extended warm welcome to the guests

Kemcolians, dressed according to the themes of the day, displayed their matchless creativity and talent. Students decorated their stalls in thematic style, marched in Patiala ground and celebrated the event enthusiastically. 1st and 2nd Year displayed spectrums of Horror and dressed as per such 3rd and 4th year class brought screen sensations by adopting the theme, Cosplay and Movies. The cartoons and movie characters were seen roaming around. They garnered much attention and appreciation of the audience.

Final year class dressed as ‘ anything but humans’, expressed their theme with great perfection. They took the viewers beyond homo sapien confinement. From trees, flowers, jelly fish, caterpillars, tigers to the world of inanimate objects like Fruits, Clouds, Mushrooms and chess game icons- everything was personified. Their theme, presentation and expression were highly appreciated.

The positions were adjudicated by the honourable guests:
1st position: Final year
2nd position: 4th year
3rd position: 2nd year.
Kemcolians are continuously showing their all around impressive performances as the sports week continues.