CPC of the final year MBBS King Edward Medical University takes place fortnightly.
On August 16th, 2024 the following cases were presented:
1. Scleroedema- a case presentation by Dermatology Unit I.
2. Caesarean Scar Pregnancy Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit V.
3. Bladder Injury (Blunt Extra Peritoneal with Coup Countercoup Mechanism) by Urology Unit I.
All cases generated very healthy discussion.
Vice Chancellor KEMU Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ayyaz, Pro- Vice Chancellor Prof. Muhammad Moin, Registrar KEMU Prof. Muhammad Imran, Chairman Department of Dermatology Prof. Ijaz Hussain, Head of Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit V Prof. Nadia Khursheed and Chairman Department of Urology Prof. Dr. Fawad Nasrullah attended the CPC.
Departments presented their respective cases in detail and helped students in understanding and developing concepts.
Presentation started by Dermatology Unit I in which they explained a case of thickening and hardening of skin i.e. scleroedema. It was an interesting case.
Vice Chancellor explained the Physiology of synthesis of collages fibers, role of zinc in the process and the inhibitory effect of nicotine on collages synthesis. It was a fascinating and interesting fact.
From Gynaecology and Obstetrics Unit V, a case of Caesarean Scar Pregnancy was presented; which was unique and interesting case. Prof. Nadia Khursheed explained that they had choosen this case to correct the terminology and concepts of students regarding this disease.
Department of Urology Unit I presented their case of Bladder injury and explained how easily it can get infected and the infection can be missed easily because of lack of training. They explained why this case was important as the diagnosis can be easily missed.
Students were grateful to get a chance of learning from such great presentations. All the cases were very interesting and knowledge imparting in their own way.
Associate Professor Dr. Shahid Farooq and Assistant Registrar MR. Rashid Javed conducted the CPC session.