Prof. Dr. Ahsan Numan
F.C.P.S (Neurology), Ph.D
Professor of Neurology
The Department of Neurology began to function at King Edward Medical College, Lahore in the year 1963, when a post of Assistant Professor of Neurology was sanctioned for the college. Initially 6 beds in the female ward of East Medical were allocated to the specialty of Neurology. The new premises started functioning in July 1983. Since then the department has the privilege to be headed by some of the most dedicated professionals and the finest Neurologist of their times. Prof. Munawar Hayat, Prof. Naeem-ul-Hameed and Professor Muhammad Nasrullah and Professor Muhammad Naeem Kasuri & Prof. Muhammad Athar Javed were the first, second, third, fourth & fifth Head of Department, respectively. Currently, department is working under Prof Dr. Ahsan Numan, the Head of Department.
- To practice highest standards of Medical care and latest Neurological guidelines
- To contribute to the subject of Neurology by training capable , well equipped and ethical Neurologists who would further serve for the betterment of Neurological health, nationally and internationally.
- To enthusiastically contribute towards quality research work that would pave the way forward for the institution and earn honorable recognition for the institute worldwide
![Faculty NEUROLOGY Faculty Group Photo](
List of Faculty Members | |||
Name | Designation | Qualification | Contact Email |
Prof. Dr. Ahsan Numan | Professor / HOD | FCPS(Neurology), PhD | |
Dr. Ayesha Aslam | Assistant Professor | FCPS(Neurology) | |
Dr. Sadaf iftikhar | Assistant Professor | FCPS(Neurology) | – |
Dr. Safia Bano | Assistant Professor | FCPS(Neurology) | |
Dr. Adnan Tariq | Senior Registrar | FCPS(Neurology) | |
Dr. Adnan Mahmood | Senior Registrar | FCPS(Neurology) | – |
Dr. Rashid Imran | Senior Registrar | FCPS(Neurology) | |
Annual Neurology Course:
- Annual 15 CME Activities worth 2 CME hours each
Completed Projects :
- Chronic Relapsing Inflammatory Optic Neuropathy (CRION)
- Electrophysiological Patterns in Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy
- Spectrum of CNS tuberculosis in patients presenting in a tertiary care hospital
- Spectrum of Anterior Horn Cell Disorders in Patients presenting to a Tertiary care Hospital
- Spectrum of Acquired Demyelinating Disorders of Central Nervous System in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan
- Electrophysiological subtypes of Gullian Barrie syndrome
- Bilateral Simultaneous Non-arteritic Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy after Ingestion of Sildenafil for Erectile Dysfunction
- Seasonal variation of GBS in our population
- Extensive review of various aspects of GBS over 150 patients
- Cases of hypokalemic paralysis among heterogenous group of cases of non polio flaccid paralysis
- Therapeutic outcome of cases of longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis (LETM).
- Comparison of effectiveness of Leflunamide against methyl prednisolone in Multiple Sclerosis
- Spectrum of neurotuberculosisis
Current Projects:
- Outcome of myasthenia Gravis pt with or without thymectomy
- Assessment of platelet indices in patients with Acute ischemic stroke & its association with clinical outcome
- Prevalence, severity and associated factors of Restless Leg Syndrome in patients with Diabetes Mellitus type 2Comparison of Restless leg syndrome in patients with Multiple Sclerosis and
- Intramuscular related nerve injuries and its profile
- Risk factors of BMI & anthrometric measurement of wrist and its association with CTS severity
- Plasmapheresis
- CSF Lab
- Physiotherapy: The facilities available are short wave & microwave diathermy, ultrasonotherapy, infra-red & ultra-violet rays and nerve stimulator. Apart from the above mentioned staff members also involve in the rehabilitation exercises and other material for rehabilitation of the patients as well as training of the attendants for exercises at home.
The Department of Neurology was shifted to present premises more than thirty years back in 1982-83. We chalked out a plan to renovate the department to improve the service, enhance the looks and to better satisfy the patients. With the help of Philanthropists, the renovation work was started in early 2013 and in first phase a separate space was allocated and a new high dependency unit was created consisting of fully mechanized modern beds , monitors, oxygen supply, sucker machines, readily available lifesaving drugs and emergency equipment like endotracheal tubes etc. A dedicated nurse and a fellow in Neurology were also appointed for the purpose. After completion of the HDU, renovation of the whole unit was started which was completed in the year 2014. Now we have well-furnished ward with tiled flooring and walls, air conditioning in each room, new beds, patient trollies etc. Laboratory work was also enhanced by induction of modern electrical equipment. In the year 2014 most modern EMG/NCS and EEG machine with Video monitoring facilities were also acquired through same channel. In 2019 free plasmapheresis was started which is a life saver for numerous patients. Now we are working in a better environment and patient care and satisfaction is more than ever before.