Prof. Dr Meher-un-Nisa
Head of Department

Department of Obstetric & Gynaecology (Unit IV)
Lady Aitchison Hospital Lahore



  • Prof. Dr Meher-un-Nisa is the head of unit IV LAH .She is an author of research papers ad has keen interest in academics and promoting research activities in unit.
  • The unit provides emergency services on every alternate day
  • It also provides OPD services including gynecology, antenatal, infertility and family planning. Hospital also provides state of the art breast cancer screening facilities.
  • This unit has a structured training program for FCPS and MS post graduate students.
  • It offers weekly academic classes for post graduate students and house officers. Unit regularly conducts its morning meetings, statistics and perinatal meetings. Quality of work is continuously improved by maintaining record of all near miss, clinical risk management risk and by their clinical order. Maternal mortality meetings are also conducted on regular basis. Unit has developed SOPS for management of emergency, indoor and OPD cases and to maintain uniform standard for the management of every patient.


1- To provide high quality health care facility in a compassionate, friendly and professional environment.

2- To achieve excellence in professional education and research.

3- Provision of excellent and highly professional environment for training of skilled obstetrician and gynecologists who can work with dignity in any multicultural environment within country or abroad.


Faculty Group Photo
List of Faculty Members
Name Qualification Designation
Prof .Dr Meher-Un-Nisa MBBS ,FCPS,MHPE,ICMT Professor / HOD
Dr Khadija Waheed MBBS,FCPS,  MME (UOL),IVF Diploma Germany Assistant professor


  • Workshop on professionalism
  • Workshop on basic surgical skills.
  • Daily morning meetings, teaching ward rounds.
  • Weekly CRM and near miss case presentation
  • Skill demonstration sessions, TOACS preparation classes and monthly MCQ tests and long case presentations.
  • Statistics and perinatal meetings.
  • PPIUCD training workshop.
  • Workshop on cervical cancer awareness
  • Role of reflection in teaching and learning
  • International maternal mortality conference February 2023
  • Symposium on women empowerment on womens day 8th march 2023
  • Preparatory course for IMM TOACS/Abridge exam
  • Workshop on bladder repair and energy devices
  • Workshop Hands on skills for management of PPH
  • Workshop on essential gynaecological skills for IMM /FCPS candidates
  • Pre –symposium workshop on how to write research article ?
  • Post 42nd KMCAANA KEMCA UK workshop on hysteroscopy
  • Workshop on gut repair



  • Role of Crp at early gestational age in predicting pre eclampsia in pregnant women
  • Analysis of C section using Rovson 10 group classification system
  • Association of raised 1st trimester C reactive protein with subsequent development of GDM
  • Role of Transamine vs pervaginal misoprostol in reducing blood loss during myomectomy
  • Gestational diabetes in females having Hepatitis E infection
  • Hormone replacement therapy in young women with surgical primary ovarian insufficiency
  • Frequency of serum lipid profile with pre eclampsia
  • Effect of myoinositol on menstrual irregularity and skin problems in pcos case
  • Low dose aspirin in prevention of preterm birth
  • Vitamin D deficiency in pregnant women with stress urinary incontinence
  • Role of probiotic supplementation of Glycemic control in GDM
  • Effect of high dose folic acid supplementation in pregnancy on pre eclampsia
  • Elevated Plasma Alanine Aminotransferase levels in early pegnancy and subsequent risk of development of pre eclampsia and gestational diabetes
  • Early vs expectant artificial rupture of membranes following folleys catheter ripening a randomized control trial
  • Comparison of combined oral contraceptive pills vs oral progesterone in prevention of endometrioma recurrance after ovarian cystectomy
  • Azithromycin vs erythromycin for management of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes
  • Role of Vit D supplementation in management of urinary incontinence A placebo controlled trial
  • Role of CoEnzyme Q supplementation in during pregnancy in pre eclampsia patients
  • Comparison of IV hydration vs amino acid infusion in idiopathic oligohydromnios
  • Incidence of PPH in obese nulliparous women undergoing emergency cesearean section receiving standard prophylactic dose of oxytocin Effect of high triglyceride level during first trimester on preterm delivery
  • Ultrasound estimated subcutaneous asipose tissue thickness and visceral adipose tissue thickness and risk of pre eclampsia
  • Comparison of vaginal progesterone with intramuscular 17 OH progesterone for prevention of recurrent preterm birth
  • Impact of pushing timing on occult injury of levator ani
  • Co relation between Vit D deficiency in pregnancy and low birth weight neonates
  • Comparison of suture material and techniques of closure of subcutaneous fat and skin in cesearean section
  • Comparison of metformin vs Dapaglifozin in overweight patient with PCOS
  • Effect of dexamethasone on induction of labor and cervical ripening

Prof. Dr. Meher-Un-Nisa :

1).Analysis of sonographic findings in patients with suspected ectopic pregnancy. Specialist VOL.15.NO.2.Jan-March, 1999, 97-103.
2).Effect of episiotomy on perineal lacerations in spontaneous vertex deliveries. ANNALS of KEMC VOL.11.NO.4.Oct-Dec, 2005; 442-444.
3).Difficulties Encountered at Caesarean Section.ANNALS of KEMC VOL.14.NO.2.APRIL-JUNE, 2006 192-194.
4). Comparison of Transvaginal Sonography and Saline Contrast Sonohysterography in Women with Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Correlation with Hysteroscopy and Histopathology. International Journal of Health
Sciences, Qassim University, Vol.1.No.1. (January 2007/Muharram1428H).
5). Impact of Obesity on Fetomaternal Outcome in Pregnant Saudi Females. International Journal of Health Sciences, Qassim University, Vol. 3, No.2, (July 2009/Jamada II 1430H); 187- 195.
6). Prophylaxis of Atonic Postpartum Hemorrhage with Misoprostol in Underdeveloped Countries.Annals of KEMU, Vol.15, No.4.oct-Dec, 2009, 185-189.
7). Impact of Obesity on Frequency & Pattern of Disease in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).Annals of KEMU, Vol.16, No.1: Jan-March, 2010.
8). Primary Postpartum Hemorrhage, Still a Big Challenge in Developing World
(Experience in Tertiary care Hospitals, KSA versus Pakistan)
ANNALS VOL 18. NO. 1 JAN. – MAR. 2012; 17- 24.
9). Enzymatic Wound Debridement; Role of Papaya in the Management of Post Cesarean Gaped Wounds. ANNALS VOL 18. NO. 4 OCT. – DEC. 2012; 355- 359
10). Intra-operative Maternal Complications of Emergency Cesarean Section Done in Advanced Labor. ANNALS VOL 19, ISSUE 1, JAN. – MAR. 2013; 5- 10.
11).Meta-analysis of Articles Addressing Validation of DREEM Inventory in Languages Other Than English. The Collaborator Vol.1, Issue 1 Jan-March 2015.
12).Elective Induction versus Expectant Management of Mild Pre-Eclampsia at Term: JCPSP Vol.28, no.9, September 2018; 677-680.
13).Validation of Urdu Translation of DREEM Inventory in a medical College, Lahore.Biomedica Jan-March 2020; 36(1):65-69.
14).Maternal Morbidity of Higher Order Cesarean Sections: an analytical at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital Lahore.PJMHS Oct-Dec; 14(4):759-762.
15).Factors affecting PPIUCD insertion Rate: an analytical study at Govt Teaching Hospital Shahdara Lahore.Biomedica Jan-March 2021; 37(1)
16). A rare case of Cesarean Section Scar Ectopic managed by Laparotomy,PJMHS June 2021;15(6):1362-64.Case report
17).A rare case of massive heamatocolpos due to imperforate hymen. PJMHS April 2022;16(4):199-92.Case report
18). Placenta Accreta Spectrum: Management and Prevention. Pulse International 15-30 April,2022;23(8):6( Report of Seminar)
19).Workshop reprt.Hands on Skills for IMM Preparation 20th August 2022.Pulse Interntional,Nov 1,2022.
20).Workshop report.Hands on Skills for Management of Post-partum Hemorrhage 21st Oct, 2022.Pulse International Nov 15,2022.
21). Case report; A Rare Case of Herlyn Werner Wonderlich Syndrome (HWWS) with Urethro Vaguinal Fistula.PJMHS Oct 10 2022 ;16(10):215-216.
22).Case report:A Rare Case of Mullerian Agenesis (Mayer Rokitensky Kuster Hauser Syndrome MRKH Syndrome).JMHS Nov 2022;16(11):
23).Workshop report on ,Scientic Writing,The Pulse International,Jan 15th,2023.
24).Workshop report on Hysteroscopy (27th Dec, 2022).in press for The Pulse International
25).The workshop report on Cervical Cancer Awareness (19 Jan, 2023) The Pulse Feb.15-28,2023.
26).Workshop report on, Role of Reflection in teaching and learning (21 Jan press for The Pulse International.
27).Case report: A Rare Case of Fibroid Polyp with utero vaginal press for Esculopio.
28).Case Report; A Rare Case of Dandy Walker Syndrome (in press)
29).Case report;A rare case of press for PJMHS.
30).Role of Whatshap in Postgraduate Teaching during Covid-19 Pandemic: Semi experimental study at Govt Teaching Hospital Shahdara. In press for PJMHS.
31).Conference report on Reducing Maternal Mortality and morbidity:Role of Multidiciplinary team.The pulse international Vol 24 no.6 March 15-31,2023.

Dr. Khadija Waheed (Associate Professor) :

  • Burnout among the pediatric surgeons of Pakistan Journal of Pakistan medical association. 0030-9982 W Vol 69,No.11 Pg 1730- 1733 November 2019
  • Do parents have knowledge of first aid management of burns in their children? A hospital based survey Journal of Pakistan medical association. 0030-9982 W Issue Vol 69,No.8 Pg 1142- 1145 August 2019
  • Conservative management of placenta increta in a primigravida: A case report Journal of Pakistan medical association. 0030-9982 W Vol69, issue 17 Pg 1049- 1051 july 2019.
  • Burnout among gynaecological residents in Lahore, Pakistan: A cross sectional survey. Journal of Pakistan medical association. 0030-9982 W Vol 67, No:Pg 1318-1322 September, 2017.
  • Evaluation of educational environment for postgraduate residents using Post Graduate Hospital Educational Environment Measure Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association 0030-9982 W Vol.68, No. 5 Pg 790-792 May 2018
  • Low Serum cobalamin as risk factor for gestational diabetes Pakistan journal of Zoology. 00309923 W Vol. 49, Iss. 6. Pg. 1963- 1968 December 2017
  • Frequency of group B Streptococci in pregnant women in a tertiary care hospital Journal of college of physician and surgeons Pakistan 1022386X W vol. 26(1): Pg. 27-30 2016
  • Role of placental blood drainage as a part of active management of third stage of labour after spontaneous vaginal delivery Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 0030-9982 W Volume 69, issue 12. Pg 1790- 1793 December 2019 15
  • Educational environment for postgraduate residents of obstetrics and gynaecology working in teaching hospital of Lahore, Pakistan: A cross sectional study Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 0030-9982 W Volume 69, issue 7 Pg 1029- 1031 July 2019
  • Role of Vitamin D in reducing number of acute exacerbation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients. Pakistan journal of medical sciences. 2249-8176 Online ISSN No:-2348- 7682 W Volume 33, no 3. Pg 610-614 May-June 2017
  • Comparison of effectiveness of WhatsApp and Face book as learning tool for the students of a medical college Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association. 0030-9982 W Vol. 70,No.10, Page 1705- 1708 October 2020
  • Association of Comorbid conditions with six month survival and disease outcome in patients of necroinflammatory Otitis Externa. Journal of the college of physicians and surgeons Pakistan 1022386X W Volume.30 (05) Pg 498-502 May 2020
  • Maternal Outcome with and without Caesarean Section in Eclampsia Journal of the society of obstetrics and gynecology of Pakistan 2017-12-04
  • Frequency of cesarean section in pregnancy with borderline AFI at term. Annals Vol 23, issue 2, Apr-Jun 2017
  • Frequency of placental infarcts and fetal outcome in hypertensive primigravidas Rawal medical journal: Vol. 41. No. 3, July-sept. 2016
  • Hyperuricemia as a predictor of poor fetal outcome in pre eclamptic women Journal of rawalpinidi medical college; 2015;19(2):171-173 16
  • Efficiency of Phlorogucinol in Comparison to drotaverine hydrochloride in reducing duration of active phase of 1st stage of labour in PG at term Soc.obstet.Gynaecol.Pa k.2018;Vol 8.No1
  • Maternal outcome in obese and non-obese women PJMHS Vol 10, No 1, Jan – Mar 2016
  • Feto-maternal outcome in operative vaginal delivery. Pakistan journal of medical & health sciences Vol 6 October – December 2012, ISSN 1996 – 7195.
  • Causes of Postmenopausal bleeding according to histopathological findings Esculapio. January – March 2006 Journal of services institute of medical sciences
  • Fetal outcome in diabetic pregnancy. Esculapio. April – June 2006Journal of services institute of medical sciences
  • Ectopic pregnancy risk factors, pattern of presentation and management Esculapio. April – June 2006Journal of services institute of medical sciences
  • Frequency of maternal complications in pregnancy with cardiac diseases PJMHS Vol.6 No 3 jul – sep 2012 17
  • Hyperprolactenimia as a cause of subfertility in women Journal of rawalpinidi medical college; 2015;19(2):171-173
  • Placenta Previa: How the rare becomes common Pakistan postgraduate medical journal. Vol 15, number 2 April – June 2004
  • Dose related effect of Misoprostol on Cervical Ripening and Induction of Labour. Pakistan postgraduate medical journal. Vol 16, number 2 April – June 2005
  • Peripartum Hysterectomy: An emergency step towards life Pakistan postgraduate medical journal. Vol 15, number 3 July – September 2004
  • Quality of life in females after menopause in Pakistani women Journal of gynaecology & obstetrics 2016, 6:4, ISSN 2161-0932
  • Comparison of short term outcomes between vaginal and abdominal hysterectomy JFJMC Vol. 10 No.1 Jan-Mar 2016
  • Comparison of mean blood loss with S/L misoprostol Vs I/ oxytocin in low risk female in SVD Indo American Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, November 2017
  • Frequency of postpartum haemorrhage after administration perrectal misoprostol in females undergoing vaginal delivery ANNALS Of King
  • Edward Medical University. Volume24, issue 1. Jan – march 2018 18.
  • Frequency of cervical premalignancy in pregnant female ANNALA of King Edward Medical University. Volume: 22, issue 3. July- Sept 2016
  • Mean induction to delivery interval with concurrent oxytocin in females while requiring second dose of Dinoprostone in labour. J.Obstet
  • Gynaecol Pak.2021; Vol 11. No3
  • Association of Comorbid condition with six month survival and disease outcome in patients of necroinflammatory otitis externa Journal of the
  • college of physician and surgeons Pakistan. 2020 Vol 30 35) Khadija waheed A narrative study on work place based conflicts in obstetrics and gynecology department JPMA vol 71 feb 2021

Dr Rana Mazhar:
1.The efficacy of hydralazine and nifedipine in management of severe preeclampsia. Annals volume 19 april-june 2013.
2.frequency of factors leading to gestational diabetes. Pakistan journal of medical and health sciences. vol 10 jan-march 2016.
3.comparison of misoprostol with PGE2 for induction of labour : a randomized trial Journal of fatima jinnah medical college volume 10 issue 2 april-june 2016.

Dr Tayyaba Iqbal:

1.obstetrical complications in grand multipara.
2.vaginal hysterectomy vs abdominal hysterectomy comparison.
3.outcome in previous 1 caeserean section

Dr Aleena Sarwar:

1.Role of vaginal fluid b.hcg in diagnosing premature rupture of membranes.


  • PPIUCD in collaboration with NCNMH
  • KMC ( in progress)infections prevention program on going
  • Establishment of skilled labs
  • Facility of breast cancer screening


  • State of the art obstetric facilities
  • Gynecology, oncology services with multidisciplinary approach.