Dr. Muhammad Abbas Khokhar
Associate Professor
Department of Oncology & Radiotherapy KEMU/MHL
Established in 1940 as Radium Institute, Oncology Department is actively participating in patient care and education. Our education programs train undergraduate students, postgraduate students, nursing staff and medical physicists. Knowledge and experience they gain at King Edward Medical University and affiliated institutes has an impact on cancer treatment and biomedical research around the world. Many landmark clinical trials have been carried here and research has been the hallmark of our center. Being pioneer oncology institute, We have the honor to serve the heaviest load of cancer patients coming to us from every corner of the country. More than 3000 new patients are registered annually in the department. We have a full range of inpatient, day care and outpatient facilities. .All the modalities needed to treat cancer including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and brachytherapy are available under one roof and we offer treatment for all types of solid and hematological malignancies. Our unit consists of 66 general ward beds and 6 isolation rooms for leukemia patients. Our team of hardworking and passionate doctors and skilled staff works round the clock to manage wide variety of cancer patients.
Moreover, In August 2022 renovation of Department was completed after period of two years. It was the one of the project of friends of mayo.
Our objective and aims are to improve cancer care through research and teaching and decrease the morbidity, agony and mortality due to cancer through outstanding programs that integrate compassionate patient care and prevention. Our mission is to provide future leadership in the research for prevention, treatment and cure of the cancer through education for undergraduate and graduate students, trainees, professionals, employees and the public for cost effectiveness in patient care, outreach programs, research and education.
List of Faculty Members | |||||
1 | Dr. Muhammad Abbas Khokhar | Assistant Professor | MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology) | khokhars44@gmail.com | |
2 | Dr. Nadeem Zia | Consultant Radiotherapist | MBBS, DMRT | drnadeemzia99@gmail.com | |
3 | Dr. Mahwish Manzoor | Assistant Professor | MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology) | mahwishmanzoor20@gmail.com | |
4 | Dr. Ali Goraya | Assistant Professor | MBBS, MD (Clinical Oncology) | flipout@gmail.com | |
5 | Dr. Mariyam Akbar | Senior Registrar | MBBS, DMRT | drmariam183@gmail.com | |
6 | Dr. Faiza Rehman Lodhi | Senior Registrar | MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology) | faizarehman1988@gmail.com | |
7 | Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed Khan | Senior registrar | MBBS, MD (USA), FCPS (Medical Oncology) | drzeshan786@gmail.com | |
8 | Bisma Atique | Lecturer Radiotherapy | Bsc. (Hons) Radiotherapy | bismaatique@kemu.edu.pk |
- BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutations in Ovarian cancer Patients.
- Response Evaluation of Neo- Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Cisplatin and 5 Flurouracil in Locally Advanced Squamous cell Carcinoma of Cervix.
- Association of Nasal Polyposis with Peripheral Blood Eosinophilia and Fungal Infection (A Tertiary care experience).
- Trends in Development of Various Types of Lung Cancer after Cessation of Smoking.
- Prognostic Value of p53 Expression Intensity in Urothelial Cancers.
- Outcome of early Tracheostomy in the management of grade II (moderate) tetanus patient.
- Response to Induction chemotherapy with Cisplatinand 5- Flourouracil in Locally Advanced Squamous cell Carcinoma of Esophagus.
- Clinical Outcome with ABVD Chemotherapy in Patients of Hodgkin Lymphoma
- Frequency and correlates of symptoms of anxiety and depression among young caregivers of cancer patients: a pilot study.
- Prevalence, Knowledge and Attitude of Self Medication among Allied Health Students.
- Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Clinical Review for the General Physician .
- PALLIATIVE CARE. Frequency Of Inadequate pain Assessment In Advanced Staged Cancer Patients Recieving Palliative Care In Oncology Department Mayo Hospital Lahore.
- Clinical Characteristics Of Primary Liver Cancer Patients Presenting To Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
- Adequacy of Pain Control in Patients with Advanced Cancer in Pakistan.
- Association of p53 Overexpression with Hormone Receptor Status and Triple Negative Breast Carcinoma, Chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting;
- Efficacy of adding ginger to standard therapy as prophylaxis for chemotherapy induced nausea and vomiting (cinv) in cancer patients.
- Cutaneous manifestations in chronic myeloid leukemia in chronic phase treated with imatinib.
Issues Regarding End-of-Life Care in Pakistan: A Review “Concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy with erlotinib followed by maintenance erlotinib in patients with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor mutation-positive adenocarcinoma lung.” - Concurrent radiotherapy and chemotherapy with erlotinib followed by maintenance erlotinib in patients with Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor mutation-positive adenocarcinoma lung. Therapy.
- Response of Chemo-immunotherapy in Germinal Center B Cell versus Activated B cell Subtypes of Diffuse Large B cell Lymphoma.
- Ophthalmic Manifestations in Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia.
- Radiotherapy alone with concurrent chemoradiotherapy plus temozolamide in locally advanced soft tissue sarcoma at Mayo Hospital Lahore: A randomized controlled trial. COPD.
- A review of access to cancer facilities in Punjab, Pakistan.
- Primary care physicians and cancer care in Pakistan: A short narrative
- Tissue Nuclear Matrix Protein Expression 22 in Various Grades and Stages of Bladder Cancer.
- Comparison of R-CHOPwith CHOP in patients of diffuse large B cell lymphoma.
- Stress, Resilience and Moral Distress among Health care Providers during COVID-19 pandemic.
- Frequency of fatigue among patients with locally advanced breast cancer.
- Synovial sarcoma of thyroid gland, a rare case.
Title of Dissertation of undergraduates (BSc. (Hons) Radiotherapy) session 2019-2022.
- Perception and awareness about Radiotherapy and its sequelae among post irradiation cancer patients and general public.
- Management of gaps and practical methods for dose compensation in Radiation Therapy- a single institute experience.
- Quality of life in head & neck and breast cancer patients undergoing different techniques of radiotherapy.
- Satisfaction among cancer patients hospitalized in public sector hospitals of Lahore.

- Chemotherapy out and inpatient services
- CML clinic for leukemia patients
- Radiotherapy (Teletherapy and Brachytherapy)
- Radiation Planning ( Simulation)
- Pain Management and Palliative Care services
- Screening for common cancers
- Educational Workshops and Seminars