The 44th KEMUCON was held at King Edward Medical University (KEMU) from December 14th to 17th, 2024, in collaboration with KEMCANA, KEMCA-UK, KEMCA-PK, CPSP, and APPNA.
The conference commenced on December 14th with the highly engaging “Career Counseling Seminar,” also named the Prof. Ameer-ud-Din Memorial Session. This session was formally inaugurated by Prof. Dr. Amir Ijaz, a renowned chest surgeon and the grandson of Prof. Ameer-ud-Din. Prof. Dr. Amir Ijaz graced the occasion as the Chief Guest.
The session was tailored for medical students, house officers, and medical graduates to guide them on career opportunities in the USA, UK, and Pakistan, exploring pathways for residency, research, and training. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ayyaz (S-I) Vice Chancellor KEMU, as the Patron-in-Chief, and Prof. Dr. Saira Afzal( Dean public health & preventive medicine , Dean IPH) was the Patron. The session was chaired by Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ayyaz, Prof. Dr. Saira Afzal, Dr. Fateh Shahzad, Dr. Asif Khan, and Prof. Ayesha Humayun.
Keynote speakers provided valuable insights:
Dr. Fateh Shahzad elaborated on the USMLE pathway, encouraging and motivating students with his promise to support KEMU students in securing residencies in the USA.
He offered guidance on multiple approaches to achieve their goals.
Dr. Asif Khan, President of KEMCA-UK, shared his journey through PLAB, hard work, and eventual success as an interventional cardiologist in the UK, inspiring the audience with his experience.
Prof. Ahsan Nouman, Director of Postgraduate Medical Education at KEMU/Mayo Hospital Lahore, discussed the educational, research, and training opportunities available in KEMU’s postgraduate programs.
Prof. Dr. Uzair Qureshi motivated students to pursue postgraduate opportunities at CPSP in Pakistan and abroad.
The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Amir Ijaz, delivered an inspiring address, highlighting the exemplary professional life of Prof. Ameer-ud-Din. He emphasized the values of honesty, loyalty, and dedication to serving underprivileged patients.
Vice-Chancellor KEMU, Prof. Dr. Mahmood Ayyaz, captivated the audience with his eloquence and shared his personal journey of professional development. He recounted his experiences in the USA, the UK, and France, where he received advanced training in robotic surgery. He concluded with a motivational message about the importance of continuous effort and striving for excellence to leave a legacy for future generations.
During the session, certificates were distributed to the participants of the UK-based LEEP leadership course and the students of CMT Batch 07. Distinction awards were presented to Dr. Mohammad Younas, Dr. Mohammad Sohail, and Dr. Maryam Azeem. The Best Portfolio Award was received by Dr. Faiza Hanif for achieving the highest marks in the portfolio evaluation among all seven batches of CMT at KEMU to date.
Prof. Dr. Saira Afzal expressed gratitude to the presidents of KEMCANA and KEMCA-UK for their support in facilitating opportunities for students in the USA and UK. She also participated in a panel discussion, where students had the chance to ask questions to the panel of experts.
The ceremony concluded with the distribution of shields to all the speakers and chairs of the session, marking the successful end of the opening day of the 44th KEMUCON.