The Department of Psychiatry, King Edward Medical University organized a session for medical students titled “Pakistan or abroad? Career options for doctors” at AV conference room in Patiala block, King Edward Medical University on February 26, 2025.
The session was co-chaired by Prof. M. Moin, Professor of Ophthalmology, Principal, College of Ophthalmology and Allied Vision Sciences and Pro-Vice Chancellor, KEMU and Prof. Abrar Ashraf, Professor of Surgery, Dean Allied Health Sciences and Director Medical Education KEMU. Joining the distinguished panel were Dr. Mumraiz Naqshband, Associate Professor of Orthopedic Surgery and Dr. Khaula Tariq, Senior Registrar, Department of Psychiatry, KEMU. Prof. Dr. Ali Madeeh Hashmi, Chairman Department of Psychiatry moderated the session which was attended by a large number of medical students as well as house officers and PG trainees.
Prof. Abrar Ashraf described in detail the effort KEMU is making in collaboration with College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan to enhance and streamline both undergraduate and post-graduate medical education in Pakistan nationally and internationally. Students and trainees from Pakistan are now regularly visiting other countries to enhance and upgrade their medical knowledge including Gulf countries, Ireland, UK, USA and Canada. Efforts are underway to develop links in New Zealand and Australia as well to open up more opportunities for Pakistani doctors.
Prof. Moin compared and constrasted post graduate training in Pakistan, UK and USA and provided tips to the attendees on how to choose the best options starting in medical college.
Dr. Mumraiz described his experience of attending medical college in New Zealand followed by post-graduate training in UK and Australia and shared his impressions about those countries and how they compared to Pakistan in training as well as for personal reasons.
Dr. Khaula Tariq shared her experience of having done USMLE and living in the US followed by her decision to come back to Pakistan for family reasons and doing FCPS. She pointed out the special challenges faced by women in the medical profession and encouraged all the women medical students to pursue their dreams with hard work and passion.
The attendees participated enthusiastically and asked questions from the speakers. The session ended with a vote of thanks by Prof. Ali Madeeh Hashmi to all the speakers for giving their valuable time to students and doctors.