
Quality Enhancement Cell of King Edward Medical University was established in 2013 under the umbrella of Quality Assurance Agency of Higher Education Commission. After completion of project period KEMU took over the Quality Enhancement Cell on its regular budget as one of its permanent department.

The basic aim of the Quality Enhancement Cell is to improve the standard of education bringing it in line with the standards set for Quality Education at National and International level. The responsibility of QEC is to asses and evaluate the academic policies, Programs and give recommendations accordingly for any improvements if required.

Quality Enhancement Cell of King Edward Medical University is engaged in accomplishments of targets set to create quality culture in the University with the advance practices of quality enhancement.

Vision & Mission

Vision Statement 
To become a model of Quality Assurance at the University level, with standardized processes and practices in the delivery of Health education.

Mission Statement
To develop a standardized benchmark for quality assurance in all the academic programs of the University, through continuous quality improvement, in order to develop and implement international practices of health education.


The prime objectives of the Quality Enhancement Cell are to:

  1. Set up and maintain a system of quality assurance, objectively designed for all the stake holders of various programs at the University.
  2. Adhere to a “System of Self-Assessment”, as prescribed by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, so as to bring uniformity in evaluation throughout the country.
  3. Develop standard procedures for academic audits, for the appraisal of the classrooms and teaching delivery.
  4. Safeguarding and upgrading educational standards to the international level.
  5. Promote the continual enhancement of the quality of teaching, learning opportunities, and related student support services.
  6. Seek collaboration in various fields of common interest with local and international bodies.
  7. Recommend measures for capacity building of faculty and supporting staff, as appropriate with the Vice-Chancellor quality initiatives.
  8. Implementation of Quality Management System (QMS) at various departmental levels of KEMU.
